Woman Sees Husband with Their Nanny in Kissing Cam while Watching Basketball Game
|During dinner, Sarah and her family were interrupted by her husband\’s work call. Later, she saw him with their ex-nanny on the \”Kiss Cam\” of a basketball game. After receiving a frustrating text that said, \”I can\’t talk. I\’m at work,\” Sarah resolved to uncover the truth.
In their cozy home, Sarah tried to coax her young son, Adam, to eat dinner while her husband, Arnold, was absorbed in his smartphone.
\”Come on, Adam, just eat the salad like a big boy?\” Sarah gently encouraged, using her high-pitched voice.

Young happy mother and her child eating. | Source: Shutterstock
Across the table, her husband, Arnold, was deeply engrossed in his smartphone, scrolling through the latest news while absentmindedly enjoying his meal. He was a successful web designer, often preoccupied with work, even during family time.
\”Arnold, could you help me convince Adam to eat?\” Sarah asked when her son simply refused.
\”Adam, listen to your mom, okay?\” Arnold replied, not once looking at them.
Sarah sighed and employed the ultimate weapon against kids who don\’t want to eat their meal: dessert. Finally, her son started chewing vigorously.
A sharp beep cut through the room\’s quiet as they were finishing their dinner. It was a message on Arnold\’s phone. Every time his phone made that sound, it usually meant something urgent from work that couldn\’t wait.

Close up of an unhappy businessman on his smartphone | Source: Shutterstock
\”You\’re leaving for work again? Now?\” Sarah asked, watching him get up and walk to the door.
\”I\’m sorry, honey,\” he replied, putting on his jacket. \”It\’s the big project, the one I told you about. Tomorrow\’s the deadline. I need to check my team\’s work.\”
The door closed behind him, and Sarah sighed. Her son, swallowing the last of his veggies, straightened his back.
\”Mom, Dad forgot! The basketball game is tonight. He won\’t be there, will he?\” Adam asked, pouting.
Unfortunately, Sarah knew Arnold wouldn\’t get home in time, so she promised to watch the game with him, smiling widely to hide her disappointment.

Snacks on a coffee table set against the backdrop of a basketball game on television | Source: Shutterstock
They were both on the couch a while later, enjoying some basketball. Sarah had made good on her promise of dessert and even gave Adam hot cocoa.
\”See, Mom, I want to play like them!\” Adam gushed, pointing at the screen. \”Wait, isn\’t that Dad?\”
\”What?\” Sarah asked, frowning.
As the stadium\’s camera focused on couples for the \”Kiss Cam\” segment, a fun tradition where people were encouraged to kiss when featured on the big screen, Sarah saw Arnold sitting in the crowd.
He wasn\’t alone. Beside him was Nancy, their former nanny, a young woman who had spent years working in their home. Sarah\’s heart sank. She knew Nancy well; she was around 22 and always friendly, but seeing her there with Arnold was like a punch in the gut.

A young kid watching a video, pointing his finger at the TV set | Source: Shutterstock
Sarah cleared her throat. \”No, sweetie. It must be someone who looks like him,\” she stated, crossing her arms.
But inside, she felt a storm brewing. The sight of Arnold with Nancy at the game and the realization that he had lied about working late, hit her hard. Yet, she couldn\’t react, for Adam\’s sake.
\”I\’ll be right back,\” she said, rising from the couch and hurrying to the bathroom with her cell phone. She dialed Arnold\’s number, her heart pounding. But instead of his voice, she was met with the repetitive dial tone following a rejected call.
A text arrived instead: \”Baby, I can\’t talk, I\’m at work. I\’ll be home in the morning. Love you!\”
Sarah needed to know more to understand what was happening. With trembling fingers, she scrolled through her phone contacts to find Nancy\’s number.

Depressed young woman sitting on a sofa next to a window | Source: Shutterstock
As she did, her eyes fell on a small detail she had noted long ago—Nancy\’s birth date. It was today. Sarah\’s mind churned. Is this why Arnold is with her?
A plan formed in her head, a way to confirm her suspicions. She sent Nancy a message, trying to sound casual. \”Hi! Happy birthday! I bought you a present. I want to send it to you by courier. Please send me your address!\”