5 Types Of Tummies And The Ways In Which You Can Get Rid Of Each Of Them

If you are not among the lucky ones who have a flat and tense tummy, let us give you a description of five types of tummies and the ways in which you can tighten them. That will help you to solve the problems and tighten your tummy.
Identify the type of the stomach and how to tighten it.


  1. Alcohol tummy

    If you have this type of tummy, you probably sit and work at the table or sit on the couch or you’re an emotional “eater”. You eat plenty of sugar and carbs through biscuits, cakes, white bread, truffles, and spinach. You drink alcohol. To solve deposits and secure the stomach, reduce alcohol intake and avoid snacks. Prepare your meals for healthier meals and climb up the stairs instead of going to the elevator and use every opportunity to walk. Do not be mistaken that you have to go to painstaking exercise in the gym, a simple long walks, squats or push-ups at home or yoga classes will be useful to you.

  2. Stress tummy

    Very ambitious types are harder in “big” achievements, they are often perfectionists. They are also usually susceptible to digestion such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which can cause bloating. Fat is located in the middle part of the stomach and around the navel. When stressed, we produce cortisol, a hormone that stimulates the body to keep the fat around the stomach. This type also will be pretty hard to the touch. If you have this stomach, go to bed earlier and sleep more. Loss of sleep disrupts the production of leptin, a hormone that helps regulate appetite and metabolism. Try to relax as much as you can, and it will also help you breathe deep breathing, meditation and sleeping baths and chamomile tea. Limit the coffee intake to a maximum of two cups per day. Practice yoga, go for long walks, swimming or exercise.

  3. Hormonal tummy

    A relaxed stomach may be a sign of over-production of cortisone hormone. The body produces it when it is under stress or when it is preparing for an action.
    Cortisol increases the level of sugar and fat in your blood to prepare you for the fight. But if you do not deal with some body activity that your body obviously expects when you’re under stress, extra energy in the form of glucose and sugar does not have to go away but accumulates like fat. People who are under stress can be so hungry.
    Find the cause of stress. Eat a little but several times to help control your blood sugar level. Choose oats and grains that lower the sugars and maintain energy. Have enough time for the meal and enjoy the food. A meal without interruption reduces the level of cortisol and you also have a small stomach.

  4. Mommy’s tummy

    Mother after childbirth remains a stomach trying to break through as soon as possible. That is why they are often under stress to return the line, and stress makes it difficult for the whole process. Take omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids (flaxseed oil is an excellent source for vegetarians). Eat nuts, oils, and olives – every day. Aside from helping to lose fat deposits and absorbing vitamins from food, they also help with fatigue. Practice Kegel exercises because this will help to strengthen the abdominal muscles from the inside out. Exercise 15 to 20 times in five series of the day. Do not do sit-ups because after childbirth muscles linea alba (white line) – which are located in the middle – to separate the line of the abdomen and it takes some time to recover. Abs are the worst thing you can do because that will force the muscles to be more separated. Try to breathe deeply as you stand on your feet and slowly exhale while doing Kegel’s exercises.

  5. Bloated tummy

    Bloated stomachs often are level in the morning, but bloat during the day due to gas or indigestion. You probably often eat the same food, but you are not even aware that you cannot digest it. The most common intolerance to wheat and gluten, which can cause inflammation of the intestines, and so do the belly seems bigger. Try to find out which foods will interfere with your digestion or go for testing and introduce as many fresh foods as you can in the diet.