5 Minute Butt and Thigh Workout for a Bigger Butt – Exercises to Lift and Tone Your Butt and Thighs

How often can I do this work out for my big butt and thigh? How much time can I do my workout?

A workout can be a great way to finish a strength training workout for the butt and thighs loss. Even if you don’t have time for an entire strength training routine, this fast and ferocious butt and thigh workout will have your lower body muscles screaming in less than five minutes.

You can use this workout as mentioned above (at the end of another longer routine, as a burnout round finale), or you can do it several times in a row, or even several times a day. This is a great option if you have a very busy work/life schedule but hate missing out on some kind of physical activity in your day. Yes, it’s just five minutes, but five minutes is far superior to zero minutes, and in the end, even this small amount of exercise can be enough to make slow and steady changes in your body and vast, immediate changes in your mood.
Another fun (and brutal) workout to try: 37 Minute Fat Burning HIIT Cardio Workout with No Equipment

You can do this workout 1-5 times through, and you can spread those rounds all throughout the day. We recommend keeping the number of days you do this routine down to around three, in order to allow your muscles a day of rest in between workouts.

As you can tell by my frequent breaks and complaining, I struggled my way through this butt and thigh workout. I had just finished filming a
lower body workout so my legs were already a bit shaky. What you should take from my need to take quick breaks is that it’s completely okay to do so, and that you should try and get right back into the exercise as soon as you possibly can. Take a deep breath, shake those legs out, and go right back into the interval.

Try to push yourself and do the best you can to push through the burn, but also listen to your body. It’s a careful balance and takes some time to learn but with practice you will become familiar with your body’s signals and become comfortable knowing when it’s safe and necessary to keep pushing yourself, and when you should stop and respect your body’s messages. This is especially true with some of our incredibly intense high intensity interval training workout (HIIT) videos – despite what a lot of very moronic “fitspo” memes might tell you, puking during a workout is never a good thing.

You can use this workout to get a bigger butt and toned thighs in minimal time. Honestly, in terms of squats for a bigger butt, you will get far better results with this quick combination of squats than you will with hundreds of repetitions of the same squats as found in the many “squat challenges” that are passed around online, due to the variations and the plyometric aspects found in this routine. Adding weights will make this workout a lot harder and more effective.

Don’t let the title of this routine scare you off; by bigger butt workout, we don’t mean just plain larger or lazier looking, we mean firm, well shaped, and perky.

The glutes are a large muscle that you want to keep strong. Weak glutes make for a butt that is prone to succumb to gravity, making it lie flat down your backside. The lack of strength in those muscles also makes for a vulnerability in your body’s structural integrity and strength that you don’t want working against you.

If you find this routine easy – or if you really want to make your butt look more shapely & round – do the entire thing while holding weights at shoulder height.

How to do your workout and what calories should you take so that your ?

A. Here are different ways you should follow:

1. As a standalone workout to wakeup your muscles, get your metabolism revved, burn a few extra calories, and boost your mood.

2. As a way to really burnout those lower body muscles, you can tack this onto the end of a longer lower body routine, just to make sure that those muscles are going to be sore (in a good way) the next day.

3. In conjunction with our other short videos you can design your own full length exercise program for the day exactly the way you want it, 5-10 minutes at a time. For example, you could combine this lower body video with our 37 Minute HIIT Cardio Workout, a Pilates workout, or even an upper body or core/abs workout. Design it any way you want it to reach your own personal goals.

4. 5 Fast paced minutes – no rest at all & very short transition times between exercises (it only takes 5 minutes, make the most of them!)

5. No equipment

6. No warm up or cool down (though both are recommended)

7. 5 Exercises

8. 1 Minute Lunges + Lifts (left leg forward)

9. 30 Seconds Lunge Pulses (left leg forward)

10. 1 Minute Lunges + Lifts (right leg forward)

11. 30 Seconds Lunge Pulses (right leg forward)

12. 1 Minute Double Dip Squats

13. 30 Second Static Hold

14. 30 Seconds Squat Pulses

B. How many calories should you take

We estimate that this Fitness Blender workout for a bigger buttocks burns 7-12 calories per minute. This is a relatively high expenditure per minute, but because it only lasts 5 minutes, you are looking at burning only 35-60 calories total. That’s nothing to scoff at, but it’s not enough exercise for a whole day in terms of losing weight or keeping it off. That’s why this routine is a good candidate for combining with other short Fitness Blender videos or for using as a supplement to our lengthier workouts.

When a muscle group is sore, it’s best to give it 24-48 hours to heal before you work it heavily again. Days where your lower body is sore are an excellent time to focus on challenging your upper body muscles (or vice versa). You can specifically and intensively target the upper and lower body muscles 2-3 x/week each. If doing this routine by itself doesn’t make your muscles sore the next day, combine it with one of our longer lower body workouts on the days that you do it in order to get the most out of those lower body sessions.

Those of you who like to combine our shorter workouts together to make a full hour long routine are going to love this 5 minute lower body workout to lift the buttocks.

This bodyweight workout requires no equipment. It consists of ten exercises, each done for a short 25 second interval. 25 Seconds may not sound like a long time to do an exercise but I assure you that you will feel these working as you go. In this style of these shorter workout videos of ours, we have a very short transition time in between exercises; just 5 seconds. There is a demo video that pops up in the last few seconds of each interval to show you which exercise you should be prepared to do next.


1. Kneeling Rear Leg Raises – Start on forearms and knees, bend the knee to a 90 degree angle and lift so that you feel the burning in your glutes. Repeat an interval on each side of the body.

2. Kneeling Rear Leg Raise Pulses – Here we take the exercise above, and dial up the burn even more by limiting the range of motion to just the top of the movement. Do these slow, controlled pulses on each side of the body. You will feel this in your butt, your hamstrings, and lower back, possibly even in your shoulders because of the stabilizing work that they have to do. Do one interval for each side of the body.

3. Lifts – The varied angle on this lift tackles the glute muscles in an entirely different way than the raise done straight back. This is great for shaping the glutes, helping you keep or get a round booty. Repeat on left and right sides.

4. Squats – One of the best exercises you could possibly do for your booty and general lower body. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees to stick your butt out behind you, keeping your knees behind your toes. Focus on pressing up through your heels and you will really feel it in your glutes.

5. Squat Pulses – You guys know I love the painful pulsing motions by now, right? You can nearly literally feel your body reshaping itself with the tortuous pulses! Here you will spend an entire 25 second interval in a squat, pulsing at the bottom of the range of the motion, making sure to use smooth motions. You can always take a break if you need to, but do what you can to push through the burning muscles in your legs.

6. Bridges – Lie on your back with your knees bent so that your feet are flat on the ground. Squeeze those glutes and press your torso and lower body off of the ground so that your weight now balances on your upper shoulders and feet. Lower back down, and repeat.

7. Swinging Bridges – Stay in the bridge position described above. Press up through those feet and “swing” your hips to the left, then slowly dip back down through the center, and then back up to the right. Continue this rocking motion for the entire interval, enjoying the screaming bum muscles that are the telltale sign of the development of a perky, firm tucus.
